Cooking Recipes And How To Make The Most Delicious And Steady Tofu Sprouts But Simple And Practical
Sprouts are known as a steady and delicious dish that you can make as an alternative dish.
As a type of vegetable sprouts, bean sprouts are known as a dish that has many health benefits, especially because of the nutritional content in it which is very rich in vitamin E. With the natural nutritional content that is very beneficial, it is also what makes this bean sprout dish so attractive to many people. .
Even so, sometimes we feel bored with bean sprout-based dishes, that's all, therefore you should try to explore various ways of processing bean sprouts so you don't get bored easily in enjoying bean sprouts. Here we try to present a recipe that uses the basic ingredients of bean sprouts, namely the most delicious and steady tofu bean sprouts but simple and practical. Check out the recipe below!
Recipe Name
Cooking Time
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Number of Servings
4 people
Ingredients and Seasonings Used in the Process of Stir-Frying Tofu Sprouts
Materials needed
- 100 grams of bean sprouts. Choose fresh and good quality
- 2 full red chilies, cut into slices
- 2 large green chilies, cut in half
- 200 grams of white tofu, cut into squares
- 1 fresh tomato, chopped
Softened seasoning
- 3 pecans, roast them first
- Adequate food flavoring
- Right amount of oil
- 5 red onions
- 4 cloves garlic
- Salt to taste
- Sugar to taste
- Enough water
The Simplest Ways and Steps for Processing Stir-Fried Tofu Sprouts
How to Process Stir-fried Sprouts Tofu
- Use a blender or ulekan, then puree the ingredients for the spices that have been prepared. Make sure it's smooth then set aside.
- Prepare a frying pan and heat the oil, after it is hot then continue by sauteing the ground spices until you can smell the aroma of the food.
- Shortly after that you put a few pieces of tomatoes and chilies into your cooking pan, then you cook until wilted.
- Pour just a little water into your cooking pan slowly, then you let it boil.
- Take the white tofu you have and then you put it in the pan. Cook until the tofu floats.
- After a while then you put the bean sprouts into the pan and stir until everything is evenly distributed.
- Add food flavors in the form of salt, bulla and cooking seasoning. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed.
- cook again until cooked. Don't forget to taste your food again and add food flavors if it's still lacking.
- After your dish is cooked, then lift the dish and place it on a serving plate.
- Serve this delicious stir fry while it's still warm to make it steady and delicious.
Thus, the various ingredients and cooking spices that you must prepare before processing and making a delicious dish in the form of stir-fried tofu bean sprouts are the most stable. This steady dish is a choice of dishes that you can choose to serve to your family and those closest to you.
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