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Rudy's Delicious, Savory And Spicy Onion Sambal Recipe

Bu Rudy's Delicious, Savory and Spicy Onion Sambal Recipe - Sambal seems to have become a mandatory menu when eating. The presence of chili sauce will make eating more appetizing. The spicy and savory taste, combined with other menus will make you addicted.

Well, the famous and popular chili sauce is Bu Rudy's onion sauce. To enjoy it you can make it yourself at home. Here is Bu Rudy's delicious, savory and spicy onion chili recipe that you can easily follow at home.

Recipe and How to Make Bu Rudy's Onion Sambal

Side Dish
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword chili recipe, chili sauce, spicy chili
Preparation Time 15 minutes
Cooking Time 30 minutes
7 . serving
Calories 15 kcal


Materials needed

  • 100 grams of orange chili
  • 100 grams of green chili
  • 50 grams of red chili
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • tablespoon of powdered broth
  • enough cooking oil


How to Make Bu Rudy's Onion Sauce

  1. The first step that must be done is to wash the ingredients that have been provided such as cayenne pepper and shallots that have been peeled before. These ingredients do not cut into pieces, you can leave them whole.

  2. Next please prepare the pan. Then pour enough cooking oil. Please heat the oil.

  3. When the oil is hot, add the washed cayenne pepper. Fry the chilies until wilted.

  4. If the chili is wilted and cooked, please remove it and place it on a mortar with onions. Then you can coarsely grind the onions and chilies.

  5. Add other seasonings such as salt, sugar and powdered stock. Knead again and stir until evenly distributed.

  6. Then please fry the mashed chilies again until the oil changes color to reddish brown.

  7. If it's like that, please remove and cool first.

Finally you can serve it. In order for the chili to last longer, you can store it in an airtight container.

Tips For Long Lasting Onion Sauce

Various kinds of chili sauce, such as chili sauce, chili paste and chili sauce, can be stored for quite a long time if you store them properly. Here are tips to make chili last longer.

Storing Homemade Chili

  • Previously you have to make sure the materials and equipment used to make chili sauce are clean. The reason is, these two things will determine the resistance of the sauce you make.
  • Make sure the chilies, onions and other spices are really fresh. Before making chili sauce, you can first choose the ingredients. Separate the fresh ingredients from the rotten ones.
  • Also make sure the tools used to make chili sauce are clean. Because dirt or food residue attached to the equipment can be a medium for mold to grow.
  • Before all the ingredients are mashed, you can fry the chili first. When it has been mashed you can saute it again using oil until it is cooked. The addition of oil will make the sauce last longer. Before putting it in a dry and clean jar, make sure the chili is completely cold first.

Tips for Storing Chili in Packages

  • Packaged chili without preservatives, its freshness can be maintained by reheating. Then put it in a jar.
  • Make sure the jar or container used is really clean. The trick is to boil the jar using hot water.
  • Then put the sauce in the container that has been boiled earlier. This method will be able to maintain the freshness of the chili for several days.

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In addition to Bu Rudy's onion sauce, there is also bubbly chili sauce and Bu Rudy's shrimp sauce, which is no less delicious. If you've tried to make Bu Rudy's onion sauce, there's nothing wrong with making the shrimp sauce and the pirate chili sauce. Let's see the recipe below.

Recipe and how to make Bu Rudy's Shrimp Sambal

rudy's delicious, savory and spicy onion sambal recipe

Materials needed

  • 100 grams of red chili
  • 100 grams of curly red chili
  • 100 grams of red onion
  • 100 grams of sweet prawns
  • Sugar to taste
  • Salt to taste

How to make Bu Rudy's Shrimp Sambal

  1. First of all, please prepare the pan that will be used for frying the chilies and onions. Then pour the cooking oil, then please heat the oil.
  2. After that, add the ingredients such as red cayenne pepper, curly red chili and red onion. Stir well and cook until the ingredients are wilted. If it's like that, please lift and drain it first.
  3. For ingredients that have been fried, please pulverize roughly. If you want more practical you can use a blender but make sure it is not too smooth. If so, set it aside first.
  4. Next, for the remaining cooking oil, please reheat it. Then when it is hot, add the prawns and fry until cooked.
  5. Then add the sauce that you have pulverized earlier. Add other seasonings such as salt and sugar. Stir until evenly mixed.
  6. You can adjust the taste and cook until the chili is completely cooked.
  7. When the chili is cooked, you can lift it and serve it in a serving place as an additional meal.
  8. For those of you who want to make chili stock, so that the sauce lasts longer, you can put it in a clean jar.

Bu Rudy's shrimp sauce has been made. You can make chili sauce as a complementary menu to eat. The spicy and savory chili taste will make your meal more appetizing.

Also read the Sambal Matah Recipe and how to make it easy

Recipe and how to make Bu Rudy's Sambal Plow

rudy's delicious, savory and spicy onion sambal recipe

Materials needed

  • 8 pieces of red chili
  • chopped red tomatoes
  • 15 pieces of cayenne pepper
  • 4 tablespoons of shrimp paste
  • Right amount of oil
  • Adequate flavoring
  • Sugar to taste
  • Salt to taste

How to make Bu Rudy's Sambal Plow

  1. After you have prepared all the ingredients and spices, now you can immediately make Bu Rudy's chili sauce with a simple and easy recipe. First, please prepare a mortar and pestle. Then put the ingredients except for the flavoring and sugar. Knead all the ingredients until smooth, but make sure not to be too smooth.
  2. Next, please prepare a frying pan and pour a little cooking oil. Heat the oil using low heat.
  3. After that, put the ingredients that have been pulverized into the hot oil. Stir and fry until cooked.
  4. Add seasonings such as seasoning and sugar. You can taste the taste. If something is missing, please add seasoning to taste.
  5. Cook the sambal until completely cooked. If it is cooked, please remove it and put the chili sauce and oil into the container.
  6. Oil is useful for preservatives. Well, you can put the chili sauce in this container in the refrigerator and it can last for several days.

Bu Rudy's sambal plow shrimp paste has been made. The savory taste is very delicious and arouses the appetite. You can enjoy it as a side dish for other side dishes.

That's Bu Rudy's onion chili recipe and several other chili recipes that you can make at home. Good luck.

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