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Recipes And How To Make Italian Fusilli Pasta With Delicious And Simple Homemade Spicy Tuna Sauce

Spicy tuna sauce drizzled on Italian fusilli makes a delicious and simple dish for you to try at home.

Tuna provides many health benefits. One of them is for heart health because it contains omega 3, then it can prevent cancer-causing free radicals. Even the content of tuna can help maintain memory function.

This time we will make a special dish from tuna ingredients that are used as sauce and then sprinkled on fusilli pasta. Spiral type pasta that is longer than the rotini will make the dish even more special for the family.

Fusion pasta is a type of pasta that is generally served with a creamy sauce, which is a mixture of eggs, cheese and butter. In addition, smoked beef or vegetables are added. Well, for those of you who want to try it, we will share the recipe with you.

This recipe is easy enough for beginners. You can choose the fusilli pasta according to your taste. Red fusilli, green fusilli from a mixture of spinach leaves or black fusilli from a mixture of fish ink. The original fusiili that we often encounter in various Italian-style restaurants.

Read the full recipe and steps to make Italian fusilli pasta with spicy tuna sauce at home below.

recipes and how to make italian fusilli pasta with delicious and simple homemade spicy tuna sauce

Recipe Name

Recipe and How to Make Italian Pasta Fusilli with Delicious and Simple Homemade Spicy Tuna Sauce

4.9 180

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

3 Servings

Recipe Ingredients and How to Make Delicious and Simple Homemade Italian Fusilli Pasta with Spicy Tuna Sauce

Main Ingredients Italian Pasta Fusilli Spicy Tuna Sauce

  • 250 grams of Fusilli, boiled until al dente
  • 1 tablespoon oil, for frying
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 4 tablespoons of packaged chili
  • 2 tablespoons of Tomato Sauce
  • 200 grams of canned tuna
  • 1 teaspoon salt

Read also Recipes and How to Cook Italian Pasta Fettucini Alfredo that is easy and delicious

Ingredients for Italian Pasta Fusilli Spicy Tuna Sauce

  • 2 spring onions, sliced
  • Sufficient dry chili

How to Cook and How to Make Italian Pasta Fusilli with Delicious and Simple Homemade Spicy Tuna Sauce

How to Cook Italian Fusilli Pasta with Spicy Tuna Sauce

  1. First, heat the oil, then fry the garlic until fragrant
  2. Add the onion until it changes color and smells good
  3. Then add the ready-to-serve chili sauce and tomato sauce, stir until smooth
  4. Next, add the tuna meat and salt, stir until evenly distributed
  5. Then finally add the fusilli and green onions, stir again until smooth, cook until all the ingredients are well mixed. Lift and serve
  6. Serving can use complementary ingredients with additional scallions and chili powder according to taste.

For those of you who are pasta lovers, spicy tuna sauce can be your choice when eating pasta. In addition to spicy tuna sauce, we also have various recipes including the fusilli bolognaise recipe, the fusilli carbonara recipe and the fusilli aglio olio recipe that you can try at home.

The ingredients and steps for making pasta that are not difficult will make you serve a special main dish for the family. Don't forget to share the recipe through your social media accounts and also leave a comment in the column provided below. Good luck trying our next recipe for world-class dishes at home with simple ingredients and methods. 

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