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Recipes And How To Make Fried Bakpia Filled With Crunchy, Delicious And Savory Peanuts

The crispy skin of this fried bakpia is so special and appetizing.

Its delicious and savory taste and crumbly texture make many people addicted.

To get this bakpia fried dish, of course you have to make it yourself at home, how to make it simple and practical. Here we present the recipe and how to make a dish of fried bakpia filled with peanuts for you.

recipes and how to make fried bakpia filled with crunchy, delicious and savory peanuts

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make a Serving of Fried Bakpia Filled with Crunchy, Delicious and Savory Peanuts

4.7 135

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

30 pieces

Ingredients Needed to Make a Serving of Fried Bakpia Filled with Crunchy, Delicious and Savory Peanuts

Ingredients for Fried Bakpia Filled with Peanuts

  • 250 grams of skin peanuts
  • 25 grams of fine granulated sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 75 grams of white sweetened condensed milk

Skin Ingredients A Fried Bakpia Filled with Peanuts

  • 250 grams of low protein flour
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 75 grams of margarine
  • 75 ml ice water
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

Skin Material B Fried Bakpia Filled with Peanuts

  • 150 grams of low protein flour
  • 75 grams of white butter
  • Enough cooking oil for frying

How to Make a Serving of Fried Bakpia Filled with Crunchy, Delicious and Savory Peanuts

How to make Fried Bakpia Filled with Peanuts

  1. The first step, prepare a frying pan on the stove. Give enough cooking oil. Then fry the peanuts that you have prepared. If so, puree the peanuts.
  2. Prepare the container that will be used to make the filling dough. Then enter all the filling ingredients that you have prepared as above. Stir all the filling ingredients until evenly distributed. Then clump .
  3. Weigh each dough contents as much as 15 grams. Then form an oval.

Also read the Simple Recipe for the Crispy and Savory and Most Delicious Strawberry Snow White Cake

How to make Bakpia Fried Skin with Peanut Filled

  1. First, prepare the container that will be used to make the skin dough. Then put all the skin ingredients A into the container. Mix all the ingredients for the A skin until it is lumpy.
  2. If it's like that, set aside and let stand for 15 minutes.
  3. To make skin dough B, you also have to prepare the container again. Then, put all the skin ingredients B into the container. Stir evenly until lumpy.
  4. Weigh the dough skin A that you have processed earlier as much as 30 grams each. Then round shape.
  5. Then, re-weigh the dough skin B as much as 15 grams each. Then round again.
  6. Flatten dough A, then fill with dough B. Shape into a round.
  7. Roll out the dough thinly. Lau roll. Leave it for about 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
  8. Cut the dough into two halves and halve each piece.

How to make Fried Bakpia Filled with Peanuts

  1. Milled, then thin the dough skin.
  2. Give the skin dough with the filling dough on the skin that is not layered. Then form an oval.
  3. Prepare a frying pan on the stove with enough cooking oil filled. Heat the cooking oil.
  4. When the cooking oil is hot, add the stuffed dough. Fry until the dough turns golden brown in color.
  5. If the dough is like that or is really cooked, you can immediately lift it and drain it. Only then is it served on a serving plate.

Fried bakpia filled with peanuts is finished. Serve this traditional cake dish when it is warm to make it more evocative.

That's the recipe and how to make fried bakpia cake filled with peanuts. Good luck.

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Also read the recipe and how to make Arem-Arem Filled with Fried Ati Sambel which is special, delicious and practical

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