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Recipes And How To Make Delicious And Soft Durian Pancakes Without Whipped Cream

The durian pancake dish is delicious and so tempting.

How can the delicious aroma of durian and the sweet and delicious texture of the flesh make us seem like we don't want to stop tasting the deliciousness of this dish.

Well, if this dish is usually made by including whipped cream on the inside along with durian meat. This recipe is made without using whipped cream so that you can enjoy the original taste of durian meat. Check out what the recipe looks like below.

recipes and how to make delicious and soft durian pancakes without whipped cream

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Delicious and Soft Durian Pancakes Without Whipped Cream

4.9 365

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

1 Serving

Ingredients Needed To Make Delicious and Soft Durian Pancakes Without Whipped Cream

Pancake Skin Ingredients:

  • 3 drops of light green coloring
  • 250 grams of wheat flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 500 ml coconut milk

Pancake Filling Ingredients:

  • Enough durian meat
  • Sufficient sugar
  • 100 grams of honey

How to Make Delicious and Soft Durian Pancakes Without Whipped Cream

How to Prepare Materials and Tools:

  1. Do the first thing by preparing the equipment that will be needed to make durian pancake skin dough this time. Some of these equipment are important things that you must prepare because they will support you to be able to make pancake skin dough more easily. Some of these equipment include a basin, a frying pan, a container and a serving plate to serve this dish. By preparing these utensils, later on you will be able to make dough more easily without having to make it difficult by going back and forth to the kitchen to pick up the utensils you missed.
  2. After the equipment is completely prepared, proceed with preparing the ingredients. The purpose of preparing the ingredients here is that there are several ingredients in the recipe that need to be processed before cooking and stirred together with other ingredients.
  3. One of these ingredients is eggs. For this one ingredient, please put the eggs that have been cracked in the prepared container and stir or shake them loosely using a whisk. Set aside temporarily.
  4. When finished, continue with preparing the coconut milk. You can get this one ingredient from as much as half a coconut that you grate. Enter 500 ml of water into the grated coconut and strain to then take the coconut milk.
  5. Meanwhile, for the remaining ingredients, you only need to set aside these ingredients because these ingredients can be directly mixed with other ingredients.

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How to Make Pancake Dough:

  1. Before making the pancake skin dough, we will first make the filling. To make this stuffing can be done by separating the durian flesh from the seeds. Use a spoon or fork and put the durian flesh in a bowl, add the sugar and mix well. Only after that, set it aside for a while.
  2. To make pancake skin can be done by preparing a container or basin in front of you.
  3. Then enter the flour into it along with the salt and beaten eggs. Stir these ingredients evenly until mixed.
  4. Enter the coconut milk that you have prepared little by little and stir again until evenly distributed until the flour and coconut milk are mixed and melted together.
  5. Add green food coloring and stir again until the mixture changes color.
  6. Prepare a teflon or pan and coat it with vegetable oil evenly. Wait until it is hot and use low heat.
  7. Spoon the batter into the Teflon and cook until done. Lift, put on a flat surface. Then enter the stuffing inside. Wrap neatly and put in a plate.

On a plate, arrange the pancakes neatly and scoop out the top with the honey evenly.

Now the durian pancake dish will be ready to be served and enjoyed for the family.

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