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Practical Recipes And How To Make Fried Crab The Most Delicious And Delicious Simple Family Favorite Food

Menu dishes with crab-based ingredients are always able to make us unable to look away because of the enjoyment of the taste it has.

For those of you who really like crab-based menus but often feel bored with the way of processing which sometimes does seem complicated, besides the processing, you also have to clean the shell first. For those of you who don't want to be too complicated with various crab processing techniques, maybe you can still enjoy the deliciousness by just frying it. Even though it looks simple, just by frying it, if the method of processing and seasoning is right, then this menu can make you unable to stop eating and your tongue will sway.

How? Interested in preparing the most delicious and delicious fried crab dish? Here we present a menu with the basic ingredients of crab with a fairly simple processing, but still has a delicious taste for you to taste. Check out the following recipe and happy creative.

practical recipes and how to make fried crab the most delicious and delicious simple family favorite food

Recipe Name

Practical Recipes and How to Make Fried Crab The most delicious and delicious family favorite simple dish
4.8 111

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

4 Servings

The Ingredients Needed To Make Fried Crab The Most Delicious and Delicious Simple Family Favorite Cuisine

Ingredients and Seasoning

  • 2 crabs, clean by brushing then you cut into 2 parts
  • 1 tablespoon of lime juice
  • 4 cloves of garlic, puree
  • 1 teaspoon finely ground coriander
  • teaspoon pepper powder
  • Salt to taste
  • 200 ml water

Ulek Sambal Ingredients

  • 4 pieces of red chili
  • 8 curly red chilies
  • tomato
  • 1 teaspoon of shrimp paste
  • 2 whole red onions
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar to taste

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Ways and Steps to Make Fried Crab The Most Delicious and Delicious Simple Family Favorite Food

How to Cook Fried Crab

  1. Take the crab that you previously cleaned and cut it into 2 parts, then you soak the crab in a container of water.
  2. Mix the following ingredients in the crab soaking water, namely lime juice, mashed garlic, coriander powder, pepper powder and salt to taste.
  3. Make sure all the ingredients are evenly mixed and the crab is submerged in the water and let it rest for about 30 minutes.
  4. After 30 minutes have passed then you can continue to prepare the pan and oil and then heat it using only medium heat. Mix margarine into the oil. Put the crab in the pan then fry the crab until it is cooked and changes color.
  5. Once cooked you turn off the heat then remove the crab and drain.
  6. Prepare the skillet again and heat the oil then you fry all the chili ingredients.
  7. When finished frying then you puree using a blender or ulekan.
  8. Serve the crabs that you have prepared in a serving plate along with the sauce you made earlier.

That was the recipe and how to make fried crab. This very easy and simple menu has an amazingly delicious taste. For those of you who are fans of crab-based dishes, it seems you should try to apply this one menu in your home kitchen.

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Categories of Various Crab Recipes

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