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Tips For Making Thick But Soft Padang Omelet

When you go to a Padang restaurant, you may often see a thick omelette menu. Its thick and dense appearance looks delicious, so it's no wonder this Padang omelet is one of the favorites on the menu.

Padang's signature omelet can be easily made at home. There are tips so that the eggs are thick and dense like Padang omelettes. To find out, you can see the explanation below.

tips for making thick but soft padang omelet

Tips for Making Thick But Soft Padang Omelet

Making Padang omelet is easy to do. Let's look at the following tips.

Using Duck Eggs

Chicken eggs are many choices when you want to make an omelet. However, if you want to make a typical Padang omelet that is thick and dense, but still soft, you can replace chicken eggs with duck eggs.

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Duck egg yolk has a darker, darker color and has a more fishy aroma. The protein content in duck eggs is higher than chicken eggs. In addition, the taste of the Padang omelet using duck eggs has a more delicious taste.

Use at least 3 eggs

In addition to paying attention to the type of eggs used, you also have to pay attention to the number of eggs. To make a typical Padang omelet once, you can use a minimum of 3 eggs. If you want it thicker, you can use 4 to 5 eggs.

It's just that, if you don't have enough duck eggs, then it would be better if you combine it with chicken eggs with more duck eggs. For example, 2 duck eggs and 1 chicken egg.

Use Wheat Flour

To get an even thicker omelet, in addition to using eggs in large quantities, you can also use all-purpose flour. You can adjust the amount of flour itself according to the number of eggs you use. However, make sure you don't use too much flour so that the omelet you make tastes delicious.

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How to Scramble Eggs

You also have to pay attention to how to stir eggs. When beating the eggs, don't get too foamy. When you beat the eggs until foamy, the eggs will only expand when fried and then deflate when they are cold. We recommend that you beat the egg mixture that you have made slowly and slowly. Even so, make sure all the ingredients used are evenly mixed.

The Right Way of Frying

Not only when stirring eggs, you should also pay attention to how to fry eggs. When frying a typical Padang omelet, you must use a large amount of oil with an amount of about of the height of the pan you use for frying.

Cooking oil in a frying pan must be preheated using medium heat. The hot oil will explode. If the cooking oil is hot, please reduce the heat of the stove, then you enter the egg mixture that you have made.

See also: Tips for Purifying Used Cooking Oil

When frying eggs, you should not turn the eggs too often to prevent the omelet from spoiling. You can simply turn the omelet over when one side of the egg has turned brown. You can fry the omelet until the eggs are completely cooked. Be careful the eggs get burnt.

Those are tips for making thick, soft and delicious Padang omelettes. Good luck at home.

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