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Recipes And How To Make Pizza Toppings / Special Sausage Sprinkles That Are Simple But Still Delicious And Savory

There are various kinds of toppings / sprinkles that can be put on the surface of the pizza.

Toppings / sprinkles in a pizza dish play a very important role to produce a delicious and savory pizza taste image, although the pizza crust / bread also has an equally important role in determining the delicacy of a soft and crunchy pizza dish.

However, some people assume that in general the delicacy of a pizza dish is very dependent on the toppings / sprinkles that adorn the surface of the pizza, so that people can be creative and innovate according to their respective tastes.

With that background, for this occasion we will try to present a recipe and how to make a pizza with a sausage topping, where this sausage is not only easy to find but also very affordable for most people in general.

Yes, you don't have to linger any longer, here we present a pizza recipe and how to make a simple sausage pizza but it will still taste delicious and savory.


recipes and how to make pizza toppings / special sausage sprinkles that are simple but still delicious and savory

Recipe Name 

Recipes and how to make pizza toppings / special sausage sprinkles that are simple but still delicious and savory

4.9 104

Cooking Time 




Number of Servings

4 Servings

Ingredients needed to make a special sausage pizza 

Bread ingredients 

  • Wheat flour 500 gr
  • Water 250 cc
  • Yeast tape 2 pieces
  • Sugar 1 tablespoon
  • Fine salt teaspoon
  • Butter 50 gr melted

Sprinkling / topping ingredients 

  • 250 gr beef sausage, thinly sliced
  • 1 red tomato, thinly sliced
  • 2 green chilies, cut long
  • 2 sticks of cheese, grated

Sauce Ingredients 

  • 3 red tomatoes
  • Melted butter 3 tablespoons
  • Garlic 3 cloves, chopped
  • Onion 1 piece, chopped
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • Finely ground pepper

Also Read Recipes And How To Make Eggplant, Mushroom And Tomato Vegetable Pizzas That Are Delicious And Steady

How to make a special sausage seafood pizza 

How to make bread 

  1. Prepare a medium-sized bowl soak the yeast with water, once dissolved then set aside.
  2. Wheat flour, salt, sugar and melted butter are mixed together, knead while pouring yeast water little by little until smooth (dough does not stick to hands)
  3. Leave the dough for 30 minutes to 1 hour until the dough expands (during the fermentation process the dough can be covered with a cloth or plastic napkin).
  4. After the dough has risen, then pierce it with a fork until it is flat
  5. Divide the dough into several parts according to your taste, then shape it flat
  6. Next, prepare a round tin, but first grease the entire surface of the pan with butter until smooth, then pour the dough into it and then smooth it out.
  7. Brush the top of the dough with tomato sauce and sprinkle with sausage and green chili pieces, then flatten then sprinkle with grated cheese, let stand for 15 minutes.
  8. How to make sprinkles / toppings 

  9. Prepare a frying pan over medium heat, add the butter that has been prepared in advance
  10. Add tomatoes, garlic, onions, sugar, salt and finely ground pepper to taste
  11. Stir until the aroma comes out, then remove it

How to cook/bake 

  1. Next, prepare a round tin, but first grease the entire surface of the pan with butter until smooth, then pour the dough into it and then smooth it out.
  2. Grease the top of the dough with the sauce that has been cooked previously, then sprinkle with sausage and green chili pieces, then flatten then sprinkle with grated cheese, let stand for 15 minutes.
  3. After that, heat the oven with a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius until it is cooked and the color is brown, then remove it.
  4. Serve the pizza while it is still hot.

Also Read Recipes and Easy Ways to Make Delicious, Delicious and Delicious Special Seafood Pizza

That's the recipe and how to make sausage pizza this time, hopefully this can be useful for you and your friends. Please leave a comment and don't forget to share it with your friends too...

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