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Recipes And How To Make Delicious, Easy And Delicious Apple Sauce Oatmeal Waffles

Serving oatmeal pancakes do have a delicious and delicious taste as well as delicious.

How not a serving of oatmeal with fresh and delicious apple sauce will make your tongue seem to be spoiled with this dish. So, so you don't wonder what it's like to make a delicious applesauce oatmeal waffle dish. Let's see the easy recipe below.

recipes and how to make delicious, easy and delicious apple sauce oatmeal waffles

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Delicious, Easy and Delicious Apple Sauce Oatmeal Waffles

4.6 432

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

1 Serving

Ingredients Needed To Make Delicious, Easy and Delicious Apple Sauce Oatmeal Waffles

Waffle Ingredients:

  • 150 grams of wheat flour
  • 50 grams of oatmeal
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • 50 grams of unsalted butter
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder
  • 250 ml liquid milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 35 grams of fine granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar

Applesauce Ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 50 grams of apple
  • 300 ml apple juice
  • 2 teaspoons cornstarch

Supplementary material:

  • Honey
  • Vanilla ice cream

How to Make Delicious, Easy and Delicious Apple Sauce Oatmeal Waffles

How to Make Waffle Dough:

  1. Prepare some items or equipment that will be needed to make waffle dough. Some of the equipment in question includes a waffle mold, several basins, a whisk and a serving plate. By preparing this equipment, later you will be able to make waffle dough more easily without being bothered by having to be busy preparing equipment that you have not prepared. For that, make sure that you have prepared all the equipment mentioned above.
  2. After you are done with preparing the equipment, continue with smoothing the main ingredient, namely the oatmeal. To smooth this ingredient can be done by putting the oatmeal into a blender and puree for about 3 minutes until the oatmeal is evenly distributed. Remove and put the oatmeal into a container and then set aside temporarily.
  3. Then melt the margarine in a pan. The trick is to put the margarine into the pan and then turn on the heat on the stove with a medium size. Let the margarine melt on top. After that lift and set aside temporarily. Remove when melted and set aside to allow the ingredients to warm up at room temperature.
  4. Meanwhile, for the rest of the other ingredients, set it aside because these ingredients will be able to be mixed directly into the other ingredients.
  5. To make waffle dough, mix the liquid milk together with vinegar in the same bowl. Stir these ingredients evenly until mixed.
  6. Next, sift and mix some dry ingredients such as flour along with oatmeal, baking powder, sugar and cinnamon powder. Stir these ingredients evenly until mixed. Then set aside in a container.
  7. Beat the eggs loosely in a bowl and stir evenly until the yolks and whites are combined. Enter the liquid milk mixture into it and stir all these ingredients until combined and smooth.
  8. Follow by adding the melted butter and whisking until combined.
  9. Pour this ingredient into the flour mixture and stir until evenly mixed.
  10. Heat the waffle mold and pour the batter into it. Cover and cook until done.

Also Read Recipes and How to Make Capuccino Waffles with Chocolate Sauce that are Delicious, Crispy and Delicious

How to Make the Sauce:

  1. To make applesauce, cook apple juice, apples and sugar in a saucepan and stir evenly until it boils.
  2. Enter the cornstarch solution that has been dissolved in a little water. Cook until bubbling.
  3. After that remove and set aside.

Serve waffles in serving plates and drizzle with applesauce, then serve ice cream on top.

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