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Recipe For The Most Tender And Delicious Eid Nastar Cheese Cake Recipe That Melts In The Mouth

The presence of nastar cake at the moment of Eid seems to have become mandatory.

Nastar cake, which has been known since the Dutch era, is known to have a very strong and tempting taste. Derived from the words Ananas/pineapple and Tart, this cake then becomes a subscription for those who are celebrating holidays or religious holidays.

In its development, it turns out that it is not only pineapple that you can try to make a filling or mix of this cake. Here we present a special nastar cheese cake recipe for Eid that you can try practicing at your respective homes. Good luck.

recipe for the most tender and delicious eid nastar cheese cake recipe that melts in the mouth

Recipe Name

Recipe for a delicious Eid Nastar Cake that is the most tender and melts in the mouth
4.8 120

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

1 pan

List of Ingredients Needed To Make Delicious and Soft Cheese Nastar Cookies

The main ingredient

  • 200 grams of melted margarine
  • Sufficient grated cheese for sprinkling
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 1 tablespoon milk powder
  • 250 grams of wheat flour
  • 100 grams of cheddar cheese
  • 50 grams of powdered sugar
  • 3 chicken eggs

Delicious and Tender Cheese Nastar Cookies

  • 1 tablespoon melted margarine
  • 1 egg

Ingredients for Delicious and Soft Cheese Nastar Cookies

  • 1 pineapple, peeled and grated
  • 10 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 packs of vanilla

Steps for Making Delicious and Soft Nastar Cookies

Steps for Making Pineapple Jam

  1. Prepare a cooking skillet then you enter the grated pineapple into it.
  2. Add vanilla sugar and pineapple to it.
  3. Cook until the pineapple jam is dry and is ready to use.

Also Read Recipes and Ways of Making Delicious and Steady Dates Milk Pie Cakes to be Served to Families at Special Moments of Eid

How to Make Spread For Cheese Nastar Cake

  1. Take the egg you have and then you break it and take the yolk.
  2. Mix the egg yolks with honey then stir until evenly distributed. Set aside.

How to Make Cheese Nastar Cake

  1. Prepare a large container then you take the egg yolks from the prepared ingredients and put them in the container along with the liquid margarine and powdered sugar.
  2. Stir using a mixer until evenly distributed, then slowly add the flour and cornstarch into the container, and stir briefly so that the dough does not become hard.
  3. Let stand a moment, then you divide into several parts.
  4. Flatten the dough then you fill the top with pineapple jam to taste. Continue by forming the nastar round.
  5. After all the dough and jam filling are used up, you can smear the top with the spread material until evenly distributed.
  6. Sprinkle grated cheese on top, then spread again.
  7. Grease the pan with melted margarine, then continue by setting your homemade butter on it.
  8. Give the distance between the nastars from one another, making sure not to coincide.
  9. After the pan is full then you can continue to bake it in a preheated oven at 150 degrees, for about 25 minutes.
  10. after 25 minutes you take it out, then give it more spread on it.
  11. Bake again at the same temperature, but in just 10 minutes.
  12. After it feels cooked enough, then you drain it at room temperature. Once cool you can put it in an airtight jar to keep it crispy when served.

Thus the recipe and steps for making delicious and tender nastar cheese cakes that you can follow. Press the social media share button to share through your social media, then enter your opinion about this nastar cake in the column provided.

Also Read Various Delicious and Delicious Eid Cake Recipes

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