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Recipes And How To Make Secang Wood Herbal Drinks To Ward Off The Corona Virus

Currently, spices or empon-empon are becoming popular because they are known to ward off the Corona virus. In addition, sappan wood is also being sought after. This wood is usually used as a mixture of wedang uwuh, which is a typical drink from Yogyakarta. Secang wood drinks can produce a natural red color. What is often used to make herbal drinks is usually the inside of the wood.

Secang wood contains several compounds such as brazilin, alkaloids, brasilien, saponins, terpenoids, tannins and anthraquinones. Let's look at some of the benefits of sappan wood and how to make herbal drinks from sappan wood as follows.

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Benefits of Secang Wood for Health

Secang wood has many health benefits. Well, here are some of the benefits that you can get by consuming herbal drinks from sappan wood.

Boosts Immune and As Anti-Inflammatory

The first benefit of sappan wood is that it can help increase our immune system. In addition, sappan wood is also useful as an anti-inflammatory. Knowing the benefits are good for increasing the body's immune, then this is very necessary to ward off viruses that cause disease, including the Corona virus.

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The next benefit of sappan wood is as an anti-bacterial. The Corona virus outbreak has certainly caused concern for the community. By consuming herbal drinks from sappan wood, it will help you avoid bad bacteria. The effect is that the antibodies become stronger to fight the Corona virus.


Secang wood is also known to have anti-tumor benefits. To be able to help reduce the development of tumors, you can consume a warm drink made of sappan wood.

Helps Lower Blood Sugar and Maintain Liver Health

Secang wood contains compounds called brazilin compounds. The content of compounds in sappan wood is useful for maintaining liver health. Not only that, the content in sappan wood extract will also increase glucose metabolism which will reduce blood sugar levels.

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Recipes and How to Make Secang Wood Herbal Drinks to Ward off Corona Virus

Serving Drinks
Indonesian cuisine
Keywords drink, herbal drink, herbal tea
Preparation Time 10 minutes
Cooking Time 15 minutes
4 serving
Calories 149 kcal


Ingredients Needed To Make Herbal Drinks

  • Secang wood that has been shaved to taste
  • 2 segments of ginger / red ginger or white ginger
  • Palm sugar to taste
  • 2 cloves
  • 4 glasses of water
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 lemongrass leaf


How to Make Herbal Drinks

  1. The first step you have to do is prepare the ingredients. Please wash the ingredients that you have prepared.

  2. After that, geprek lemongrass and ginger. Then set aside.

  3. Provide a small pot for making herbal drinks. Then put the ingredients into a saucepan such as cinnamon, sappan wood, ginger and lemongrass that have been crushed, along with cloves into the pan.

  4. Add 4 cups of water to the pot. Then boil and cook on medium heat.

  5. If the water is a little hot, please enter the shavings of the sappan wood you have provided. Stir slowly.

  6. The next step is to enter the palm sugar into the boiled ingredients little by little. Stir well until the sugar is dissolved.

  7. Boil again until the water boils. After that, please pour it into the glass you have provided. Then you can enjoy this herbal drink. You can drink it while it's warm.

See also: How to Make Ginger Tea Wedang

That's the recipe and how to make herbal drinks from sappan wood to ward off the Corona virus. Good luck at home.

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