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Recipes And How To Make Ati Ampela Steamed Pepes Rice

Pepes ati gizzard rice is no less delicious with other stuffed pepes rice, you can try the recipe here.

Pepes rice with liver gizzard filling can be grilled or steamed. In the process, it is the same, firstly, the rice is mixed with additional spices before wrapping, then the stir-fried gizzard is inserted into the rice which will be wrapped in banana leaves and then pinned using a toothpick.

There are also those who make steamed pepes rice by means of processed rice which is steamed half cooked and then mixed with herbs and spices. Even for those of you who want to make it practical, you can stir-fry the finished rice like making fried rice. Well, this time we will share a recipe with you to make it with half-cooked steamed rice so that the rice will have a soft texture and blend with the spices.

Ati gizzard which is easy for you to get can be added with other ingredients such as vegetables or chicken meat so that it adds to the taste of the steamed gizzard rice. The special spices from Nasi Pepes are what can arouse the appetite coupled with other complementary ingredients such as chili sauce, crackers or other side dishes.

recipes and how to make ati ampela steamed pepes rice

Recipe Name

Recipe and How to Make Ati Ampela Steamed Pepes Rice

4.9 89

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

8 Servings

Ingredients used to make gizzard liver steamed pepes rice

Main Ingredients Steamed Pepes Ati Ampela

  • 500 gr half-cooked steamed rice
  • 2 tbsp cooking oil
  • 450 ml grated coconut milk 1/2 coconut
  • 1/2 piece of boiled chicken breast, roughly chopped
  • 2 liver gizzards, boiled and cut
  • 2 spring onions, finely chopped
  • 3 red chilies
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 4 galangal, thinly sliced
  • 2 lemongrass stalks, thinly sliced
  • Banana leaves for wrapping rice
  • Toothpick

Also read the Recipe for Making Delicious Shrimp Sauteed Oyong and a simple way to make it

Seasoning Ingredients for Pepes Ati Ampela Rice

  • 5 cloves of red onion
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 3 pecans, roasted
  • 1/2 tsp peppercorns
  • 1/2 tsp flavoring, if needed

How to make Pepes Ati Ampela Rice

  1. The first step is to heat the oil, then all the spices that have been mashed
  2. Then when you smell the aroma, add the chicken breast pieces and gizzard liver pieces
  3. Also add chili slices according to your taste
  4. Then add sugar and salt, stir until evenly distributed
  5. Next, pour the coconut milk until it boils
  6. Then enter the rice that is half cooked / aron stir and the rice until absorbed, lift
  7. To wrap, prepare two banana leaves, then give the base using bay leaves, galangal and lemongrass
  8. Take two tablespoons of aron dough then roll it like rice cake, lock with a toothpick. Do it until the dough runs out.
  9. Then steam the rice for about an hour until cooked , immediately lift and ready to be served .
  10. Serve while warm with additional complementary ingredients such as crackers, chili sauce and additional side dishes according to taste.

You can try other recipes such as nasi uduk, yellow rice, liwet rice, tim rice and other rice. Don't forget for those of you who have tried our recipes to share them with friends or family on your social media. You can also leave a comment below after reading the other recipes. 

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